mickayel thurin
Mickayel Thurin is a Haitian American artist born in 1987 in Newport News, VA. She grew up in NY, VA and MI, eventually landed in Philadelphia, PA to attend the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA) where she studied painting.
Thurin’s chief influences have consistently been expressive color, pattern and texture. She is interested in artists such as: Soutine, Bonnard, Alice Neel, Willem de Kooning, Mitzi Melnicoff, Lissy Funk and Jean-Michel Basquiat. The majority of her works tend to be colorful, expressive, abstracted portraiture done with mixed media. They often contain embroidery and collage.
"The painting lets me know what it wants to become. I'm there but I’m just the translator... I record the inspiration that’s being sent my way."
Resume, Documentary and SHC
Exhibition history and work experiance
Thurin is the founder of a 501(3)c that helps foster compassion through art and story telling
Short documentary by John Thornton about Thurin and her artistic family
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